Digital Marketing Strategy for Nonprofits
Leverage the power of digital marketing to reach more donors
Cut through the clutter of end-of-year appeals and win donors daily!
On average, acquiring a donor requires 4 times more financial resources, time and effort than retaining an existing one. Thanks to advanced technological tools that offer cost-cutting benefits to go with instant tracking and retargeting of the website visitors. On top of that, social media and PPC campaigns push your online influence further. With these tools, you can automate tasks and reach a broader audience.
Your website, social media channels and blog are effective digital tools to attract, convert, close and delight your donors.
All of the above mean, you need to consider what the aggregate impact on your target audience is. This is because everyone wants a unique experience with your brand at each digital touchpoint!
Buzz Factory is experienced in helping nonprofits to define unique experiences across channels and turn visitors into long term donors.
donors prefer donations online
NONprofit increase investment in digital marketing
of online donors enroll in monthly giving programs
millenials prefer to donate online to NONprofits
3-WAY Digital Marketing Focus Helps Garner Audience Engagement
Brand awareness
Earn your audience’s attention with useful and relevant content that eliminate barriers as they try to familiarise with your cause
Donor acquisition
Form healthy relationships with your donors that enable them to be closer to your core activity and engage on a longer term
Donor cultivation
Tie your achievements to your donors. Shift resources to sustain the donor advocacy marketing programs
Request more information
Need a quote on a marketing & sales consulting or a new product launch? Give us a bit of detail on your web project and let us help! We have been providing digital marketing solutions for more than 10 years and have over 200 satisfied clients. You can count on our professionals to do the job right.
At Buzz Factory marketing is in our DNA and our priority is to increase sales and ROI.
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